Soal olimpiade bahasa inggris sd

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You can find it in the book section over here.Ģ1) Dina : I will wear my white and blue dress to Frieda’s birthday party. every morning in living room.ġ6) The gardener that works at my school … the grass and plants a very beautiful flower every Friday.ġ7) My friend’s …… are sick, so he cannot hear anything well.ġ8) Candy is …, but honey is sweeter than candy.ġ9) Danu is a …. These French Fries and fried chicken are very …. every patient there.ġ2) John : French Fries and fried chicken are my favorite foods. Tina is really …… now.ġ1) My sister is a nurse. She got an A!ġ0) Tina’s bicycle is broken. these textbooks to my office.ĩ) The exam was too …. He looks very happy.ħ) My younger brother went to dentist two days ago because his …. He makes all children laugh and happy.ĥ) My little sister and brother are very hungry, so I …… lunch for them.Ħ) Thomas …. 4) There is a clown in my friend’s birthday party.

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